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“Step Up” for Summer: 5 Foot Care Tips to Beat the Heat

  • By Park Yin
  • 27 Mar, 2018

Summer has once again come! And wherever you go, any podiatry clinic in Singapore will tell you that summer will definitely take a toll on your feet. Here’s why:

  • Increased physical activity will leave your feet tired and sweaty more often than not.
  • Increased time in water, pools or beaches alike, would increase the length of time feet are wet.
  • Exposure to the elements and bacteria from outdoor activities will increase the chances of untoward happenings to feet.

To combat these, any podiatry clinic worth their salt would suggest the following:

1. To barefoot or not to barefoot.

Some will say that you should go barefoot when enjoying the beach as continuous use of flip-flops, sandals, or worse, heeled footwear is detrimental to your feet’s health. Because of the increased temperature of the season, your feet are more prone to sweating. A more sweaty foot means a more conducive environment for bacteria to thrive. Going barefoot would address this as air circulation would be better.

However, some would advise against it as beaches and other places are littered with debris that can damage your feet. Even a tiny splinter, removed improperly or not at all, can cause the worst infection. Also, barefoot, you are more accessible to germs and bacteria from your environment.

How do we stele this? If you’re surroundings are not as neat as you would hope, better keep those footwear on. However, it would be better if you would wear open-toed sandals instead of flip-flops. If your environment is clean enough, go barefoot. It would be more relaxing for your feet and feeling the sand beneath your feet gives a sense of satisfaction.

2.      Un-polish.

If you are fond of using nail polish, consider taking a break from nail polish at least a few days each month. This will help your nails breathe and prevent them from discolouration, especially if you use dark polish. Also, if you tend to go to nail spas for your manis and pedis, be wary of summer pedicure treat discounts as this would bring in more customers, which means more germ and fungi that can be passed on to you. If possible, bring with you your own set of nail care tools.

3.      Choose thy footwear wisely.

As said earlier, your choice of footwear is very crucial for this season. Even though they seem to be the premier footwear of the season, flip-flops do not offer the necessary support for your feet. Quick test: if you are able to bend the sandal or the flip-flop, then its support is not enough. Also avoid heels during summer (and for all other seasons, for that matter) as this can badly hurt your feet.

4.      Foot care 2.0.

The amount of attention your feet get should be doubled during summer. Since there are more places and situations which can land you a free foot infection, extra care should be given. Exfoliate. Remove those hard skins in your heels and other parts of your feet so as to avoid blisters. Keep a pumice stone on hand and scrub your feet every now and then.

5.      Rest. Relax. Rehydrate.

Finally, the key to taking care of almost anything is to let your feet relax. Spend a afternoon or two just reading a nice book on the beach with your feet relaxingly being massaged. Also keep them hydrated. How you might ask? Conventional wisdom would suggest soaking would rehydrate your feet. This is quite untrue and would actually cause them to dry. Rather, scrub them with sugar, wash, and then pat dry.

Apply these tips as you enjoy the summer season! For more information about how to take care of your feet, consult your trusted podiatry centre in Singapore and spend the rest of your summer hassle free!

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